Your Wedding Recorded and Streamed


Multiple Remote Cameras

We capture the most important moments of your most important day with hidden remote controlled HD cameras plus a standard DSLR manned camera. Your ceremony is LIVE on your Facebook page or anywhere you’d like to share the link. Your wedding, including reception, is live online and immediately archived for viewing by anyone at your invitation.

Toward the end of your reception we are adding graphics, music cues and wrapping our edit. Before you leave for your honeymoon your wedding video will be complete and in your hand on one of our complimentary external drives.


HD Broadcast Quality

Enjoy all the latest in streaming tech. Thanks to Covid we are a network of live event production professionals who have turned to providing a service you won’t find from “Wedding Videographers”. Our staff has learned the art of video from live events, television, film and even animation. The world has changed and the world of wedding videos recorded and streamed has improved immensely thanks, in our case, to our team of broadcast technicians.